Universal tips for a healthy Ramadan
With the holy month of Ramadan just a few weeks away, you and your family are sure to be planning for a warm welcome to this lovely, blessed season of happiness. A sentiment that will be reflected across the homes of Muslims all around the world. It is a time when beautiful tents decorate houses, malls and many popular places in the city – each displaying a sumptuous spread of dates, nuts, sweets and traditional Ramadan food in a variety of shapes and hues.
And amidst the enveloping atmosphere of love, warmth and generosity surrounding the Iftar tables illuminated by colorful Ramadan lamps, there will still remain an element of uniqueness depending on the specific habits and details that differ from countries to houses. Maybe you have something special planned for Ramadan this year as well?
As a season defined by habits and traditions, we encourage you to participate in those that will ensure you get good nutrition and stay healthy all through this blessed month. You can try to avoid practices that might bring on fatigue, thirst and lethargy during the fast.
So to help you follow all the right habits, we’ve prepared a list of simple tips to keep you and your family healthy and happy all through the Holy Month of Ramadan:
1. Drink 8 glasses of water daily from Iftar to Suhour to prevent dehydration and constipation
2. Sleep for 6-8 hours a day to get sufficient mental and physical rest. Less sleep means you will feel tired during the day which in turns leads to less productivity and activity
3. Have a balanced varied Iftar which incorporates dates, soup, salad, a main dish, fruits and a small piece of Ramadan sweet
4. Walk or participate in some kind of physical activity
5. Have Suhour to fill your body with energy and help regulate your blood sugar
And unhealthy habits to avoid:
1. Try not to drink excess fluids at night for fear of thirst during the day. This will lead to abdominal distress
2. Don’t eat a wide variety of food at night or Suhour especially foods high in fat, thinking that they will prevent hunger pangs during the day
3. Avoid eating large amounts of food at Iftar which will lead to extreme fullness
4. Try and avoid having a large quantity of starters and sweets which will lead to weight gain.
Tip: Hydrate your body during Ramadan!
Fluids are very important for the health and vitality of your body during the fasting period and it is important to drink plenty of water, in addition to other refreshing drinks.
by nestle-family
Senin, 24 Agustus 2009
Healthy habits during Ramadan
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- M.Bayu Aji
- Life is a success, success if we can always grateful grace of God every second every time, or success if we can share the happiness of others, success is because of Life was created by God with full success:-)
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